College essay plagiarism
Wednesday, September 2, 2020
Chapter 2 Quiz + Answers Essay
1. At the point when organizations embrace the methodology making and procedure execution process it requires they start by building up a key vision, strategic qualities 2. The vital administration process is molded by outside components, for example, the industry’s monetary and serious conditions and inner factors, for example, the company’s assortment of assets and capacities 3. At the point when an organization is stood up to with noteworthy industry change that commands radical modification of its key course, the organization is said to have experienced a vital enunciation point 4. A company’s vital arrangement comprises of a dream of where it is going, a lot of execution targets, and a procedure to accomplish them 5. Top management’s sees about where the organization is going and what its future item client showcase innovation will be establishes the key vision for the organization 6. Effectively thought out dreams are unmistakable explicit to a specific association liberated from conventional, feel-great proclamations not harmless one-sentence explanations These 7. Viably imparting the vital vision down the line to bring down level supervisors and workers has the worth ofâ not just clarifying â€Å"where we are going and why†in any case, more significantly, additionally rousing and empowering organization faculty to join to get the organization going the proposed way 8. A company’s statement of purpose ordinarily tends to which of the accompanying inquiries What our identity is, our main thing, and why we are here 9. A company’s values identify with such things asâ fair treatment, honesty, moral conduct, creativity, cooperation, first rate quality, predominant client assistance, social duty, and network citizenship 10. The administrative reason for setting goals includesâ converting the vital vision into explicit execution targetsâ using the destinations as measuring sticks for following the company’s progress and performanceâ challenging the association to perform at its maximum capacity and convey the most ideal resultsâ establishing cutoff times for accomplishing execution results 11. An organization needs budgetary objectivesâ because without satisfactory gainfulness and money related quality, the company’s extreme endurance is risked 12. Vital objectivesâ relate to reinforcing a company’s by and large market standing and serious essentialness 13. A decent scorecard for estimating organization execution involves finding some kind of harmony between money related destinations and key goals 14. A decent scorecard that incorporates both vital and monetary execution targets is a theoretically solid methodology for making a decision about a company’s generally speaking execution in light of the fact that budgetary execution measures are slacking pointers that mirror the aftereffects of past choices and hierarchical exercises though key execution measures are driving markers of a company’s future money related execution 15. An organization needs execution targets or destinations for its tasks overall and furthermore for every one of its different organizations, product offerings, utilitarian offices, and individual work units 16. Business methodology concerns guaranteeing consistency in vital methodology among the organizations of a differentiated organization 17. In a solitary business organization, the methodology making order comprises of business technique, practical systems, and working procedures 18. Practical techniques concern the activities, approaches, and practices identified with specific capacities or procedures inside a business 19. Working methodologies concern the moderately limited key activities and approaches for overseeing key working units inside a business and for performing deliberately critical working undertakings 20. The board is committed to screen new outside turns of events, assess the company’s progress, and cause restorative alterations so as to conclude whether to proceed or change the company’s key vision, destinations, methodology and additionally procedure execution strategies
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Social Responsibility in Marketing Samples †
Question: Talk about the Social Responsibility in Marketing. Answer: Presentation Socially mindful marketingis a moral system which gives that an enterprise or individual has an obligation to go about according to the advantage of society on the loose. As indicated by Kotler and Keller (2015, p.629), it is amarketing reasoning that is embraced by an organization which guarantees that the wellbeing of the network is available in the business structure. It is centered around the possibility that the promoting approaches of a firm ought in addition to the fact that profit be driven, they ought to incorporate the social and moral qualities which advantage the general public and residents. Current associations are bigger than any time in recent memory, and their activities influence a huge area of society. In this way, it is important that their showcasing arrangements ought to incorporate social duty rules that can help the organization satisfying their commitment towards the advancement of society. This report will concentrate on the prerequisite of socially sensible promoting in present day organizations, and it breaks down different sorts of SRM techniques. Further, the report will incorporate a suggestion for Sri Lankas organizations to improve their social duty promoting approaches dependent on the book of Philip Kotler and Kevin Lane Keller. Importance of Social Responsibility in Marketing Socially capable showcasing is a way of thinking which focuses on trustworthiness, decency, and commitment of an organization towards the general public. According to Jahdi and Acikdilli (2009), the organizations have an obligation to actualize moral arrangements in their promoting methodology to guarantee appropriate improvement of the network. The SRM arrangements include concentrating endeavors on the fascination of clients which improves the tasks and income of the business. The instances of social duties incorporate financing noble cause, utilizing recyclable bundling and advancement of social mindfulness battles. Bhattacharya, Sen and Korschun (2008) satiated that numerous companies have received social obligation in their advertising methodology to help the advancement of a network or to improve the nature of items and administrations. For instance, the showcasing division may present a battle which urges clients to purchase a heap of socks and each such buy the organization will give one sets of socks to the individuals who need it. Because of such battle, the organization can expand its deals and simultaneously satisfy its commitment towards society. The satisfaction of social obligation in advertising aids satisfaction of moral and good obligations of the organization and furthermore supports the improvement of the network. Qualities of socially dependable advertising Utilizing a successful SRM model can be useful for a company, people, and society; security of individuals is the essential advantage of SRM. As indicated by Kotler and Keller (2015, p.631), the item or administration of an enterprise can be unsafe to the strength of individuals, creatures or nature. In this manner, the organization ought to give right warnings and admonitions to guarantee that people groups lives are protected while utilizing dangerous items. Utilizing SRM structure permit companies to get legitimate with their client; people groups trust in an organization increments if the firm actualizes a compelling SRM model (Armstrong et al., 2015). It additionally permits ventures to keep up straightforwardness into their tasks since SRM model expect them to give data seeing their items, for example, fixings utilized or procedure of assembling. The prominence of SRM models is expanding in creating nations, for example, Sri Lanka in light of the fact that it expects organizati ons to morally value their items rather them exploit their syndication position (Indounas, 2008). Alongside various advantages, there are a few constraints of utilizing SRM model also. The principle impediment of SRM is that it moves the focal point of an enterprise from its hierarchical exercises to social government assistance; the moving of center can lessen the money related execution of a firm. The investors didn't like if the organization centers around social duties as opposed to benefit amplification; it can prompt decrease in various financial specialists (Bhattacharya, Korschun and Sen, 2009). The undertakings may improve their notoriety through SRM model, yet they need upper hand in the market which brings about diminished deals and benefits. In spite of the fact that, there are a few drawbacks, the advantages of SRM aid the security of people and society. It causes undertakings to satisfy their ethical obligations; along these lines, present day firms should execute a compelling SRM model. Kinds of SRM As indicated by Aguinis and Glavas (2012), there are a few sorts of advertising ideas which remember for the meaning of social obligations in promoting, for example, for social showcasing, personal satisfaction, socially mindful purchasing, cultural showcasing and ecological or green advertising. The ecological or green showcasing guarantees that the association is satisfying their obligations towards the insurance of nature; it incorporates utilizing condition amicable material and procedure for assembling. The cultural promoting model spotlights on clients requests, companys necessities, and societys premium while showcasing an item; the companies ought not advertise an item or administrations which are against the enthusiasm of individuals, firm or society (Lindgreen and Swaen, 2010). Illuminated advertising gives that an enterprises promoting strategy should bolster the drawn out exhibition of showcasing framework. This idea comprises of five standards, i.e., imaginative advertising, customer situated promoting, esteem showcasing, cultural showcasing and feeling of mission advertising. The inventive showcasing requires the organization to improve their items; the shopper arranged promoting concentres on the interest of clients. The worth promoting center around upgrading the estimation of items and feeling of strategic that companies ought to incorporate a more extensive perspective on social approaches (Carroll and Shabana, 2010). Socially Responsible Business Model There are various instances of socially dependable enterprises which have executed a proficient, moral model into their authoritative structure, for example, Twillory, Rainbow Light, Juntos, Gift of Happiness, Out of Africa, Coyuchi and numerous others. In Sri Lanka, the ubiquity of SRM has developed between associations in recent years. Numerous enterprises, for example, Commercial Bank Sri Lanka and Diesel Motor Engineering PLC, have effectively executed SRM strategies to guarantee they satisfy their corporate obligations. Showcasing is an essential action of an association and prominence of the web, and online life stages have expanded the promoting open doors for organizations. Numerous organizations abuse promoting to misdirect the general population into purchase or utilizing their items which can be hindering to their wellbeing. In this manner, the SRM standards guarantee that partnership are not abusing advertising openings, and they are satisfying their ethical obligations. To actualize an effective socially capable plan of action, organizations are required to persistently screen and change their strategies according to the market necessities (Hammann, Habisch, and Pechlaner, 2009). In Sri Lanka, the organizations are exploiting developing web clients and executing different SRM models, for example, email promoting, Facebook showcasing, SMS promoting and different sorts of web commercials (Tsai, Chou and Hsu, 2009). Cinnamon Air, a Sri Lankan residential carrier, is a genuine case of successful SRM model; the organization morally publicize their administrations and utilizations Facebook and Email promoting model to introduce them particularly which propels clients to utilize their administrations and give them positive criticism (Cinnamon Air, 2017). Other genuine models are Dialog Axiata, Sampath Bank, and Mobitel which has executed Facebook promoting SRM model. Cause Related Marketing According to Ross, Stutts, and Patterson (2011), the reason related showcasing is a common joint effort between an organization and non-benefit association to advance the previous deals of items and last reason. The term was first presented by the American Express in 1983 to rise giving for the Statue of Liberty's reclamation. Each time a part utilizes a card, American express pays one penny as a gift (Demetriou, Papasolomou and Vrontis, 2010). The non-benefits association can essentially profit by the usage of cause-related advertising. The organization must be set up after legitimate assessment of the terms as it can represent a hazard for the two gatherings notoriety. For instance, an admirable motivation can't get the sufficient help of open in the event that it they consider it to be a vile corporate greed. There are a few genuine instances of compelling execution of cause-related advertising, for example, CauseGood and Selfish Giving. To discover cause-related advertising openings, the non-benefit partnerships ought to extend their exploration past the conventional strategy for corporate giving choice, for example, corporate basics or giving projects. The organizations should attempt to contact the promoting branch of very much presumed enterprises to make cooperation with them in cause-related showcasing. The enormous organizations may join forces with the littler or less realized foundations dependent on the admirable motivation. In any case, for the most part the organizations want to work together with huge non-benefit undertakings or establishments just on the grounds that it gives them more introduction in the market (Vanhamme et al., 2012). Social Marketing As per Lee and Kotler (2011), the social promoting essentially centers around social great, then again, the business advertising focus on money related objectives. In spite of the fact that the business showcasing is centered around raising income, it can likewise add to the accomplishment of a social reason. The social showcasing is a methodology which is utilized in the advancement of different exercises which are planned for changing or marinating the conduct of individuals
Friday, August 21, 2020
3 Interview Questions That You Should Answer Honestly
3 Interview Questions That You Should Answer Honestly We’ve all been there: we go into the meeting feeling sure, practically nail it, and afterward get lost by that one inquiry that plagues us for the remainder of the day (or week, or for eternity). Regardless of how well we’ve arranged our responses to the normal inquiries and done examination into questions that may come up at that specific meeting, there’s consistently that addresses we believe we didn’t answerâ perfectly. Actually this: there are a couple of inquiries that ought not accompany canned, pre-arranged answers. Here are three inquiries you’d be in an ideal situation replying spur of the moment, in a fair and bona fide way. Realizing when to go off the content can truly spare a meeting from feeling forced.â€Å"Tell me about a period you defeated an issue or challenge in the workplace†If you intend to talk about a test you defeated in your expert past,â it’s great to have some thought of what you’ll state if this co mes up as a subsequent inquiry. In any case, it’s best not to have it excessively unbendingly scripted. What your questioner needs to know here is the means by which well you handle weight and whether you get overwhelmed by apparently unthinkable errands. Offer a response with a touch of subtlety, which shows you’re not scared of complex circumstances and detail.â€Å"What is something you believe you ought to have done differently?†You ought to plan for this inquiry the same amount of as you’d get ready for the â€Å"something you’re extremely glad of†question. Regularly it can follow that question right away. Don’t be excessively polished. It tends to be extremely compelling to seem astounded by the inquiry, and afterward to give a genuine record of a slip-up you made that you took in a great deal from. Your questioner is simply ensuring you can be sufficiently unassuming to concede your flaws and productive enough to develop past them.â€Å"What do you like to do in your extra time?†The questioner will know whether you’re simply attempting to state what you think will satisfy them. So don’t tune in to that terrified voice in your mind that says, â€Å"But consider the possibility that the recruiting administrator doesn’t like what I like?†It doesn’t matter. In the event that they do they do, and on the off chance that they don’t, they’re shouldn't. The recruiting supervisor simply needs to realize that you’re an individual they wouldn’t be humiliated to go to party time with. So speak the truth about your interests not insane, obviously, yet be yourself.The primary concern is this: be set up to address these inquiries, yet don’t be too practiced. Take into consideration a little immediacy, let your answers be regular, and simply act naturally.
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
Sample Essays and Questions to Help You Prepare for Your Next Practice Essay
Sample Essays and Questions to Help You Prepare for Your Next Practice EssaySample essays and questionnaires can be used to help you develop a list of questions to ask yourself. Not only that, you can include a few examples of the sample papers to help you understand them. A good example is the essay that is most often submitted for college entrance exams. This is not just because it is a well-known example, but because of the many different kinds of ways that you can use it to aid your writing skills.In order to write a well-written compare and contrast essay, you will need to understand what the focus of the paper is. For example, is it going to focus on your strengths or your weaknesses? Is it going to cover a part of your life that interests you, or is it going to discuss your goals?Even if you are writing this type of essay for a college or high school class, it may not be considered to be much of an essay. However, when you prepare yourself with samples of the sample essays, yo u will be able to use some of the common themes and ideas in these papers and start making comparisons.One reason why you may want to prepare samples of the paper you are writing is that it gives you the idea of how to structure the essay. In order to do this, you will need to choose which sections you want to write and the best way to get to the end of the essay. You may also want to include your writing sample as a review at the end of the paper.This gives you the ability to read other people's work so that you have some good examples to compare with your own. When you are preparing a sample essay, you should look for a variety of characteristics that you should include in the essay.This will help you ensure that you write in a manner that will be appealing to the reader. These samples will help you to see if you have all of the traits that make for a good essay.Since you will not be able to write about a subject without knowing a bit about it, you may want to look up samples of t he other papers so that you can study their styles and techniques. This way, you will be better prepared to prepare for your next practice essay or round of test preparation.
Saturday, May 16, 2020
6 Bad Excuses for Committing Plagiarism
Plagiarism is a serious offense that can cause permanent damage to a student’s academic career. Few students realize the seriousness of this crime – and crime is exactly what plagiarism amounts to. It is an act of theft. Because many students fail to understand the potential consequences of committing plagiarism, they don’t necessarily take the time to understand what types of behavior constitute plagiarism. This gets too many students into trouble – and that trouble can be anything from embarrassment to heartbreak. In college, plagiarism is taken very seriously. Many colleges will expel students on the very first event. While students are given the opportunity to have their case or situation reviewed by a panel or a student court, they should understand that excuses just do not work. The most common excuse that school officials hear appears as number one on the list: 1. I didn’t know it was wrong. Your first job as a student is to know what behavior is considered plagiarism. You should stay far away from these common types of plagiarism: Submitting the work of another. If you ever turn in a paper that was written by someone else, especially if you pay money for it, then you are guilty of plagiarism and you are risking your future. It is plagiarism to claim the work of another or even the ideas of another. While most students in middle and high school don’t have to worry about stealing ideas when it comes to a paper or a science project, students in college do run the risk of plagiarism charges when they write a paper based on another person’s thesis. Submitting a paper you’ve written for another class. Yes, you can get into trouble if you use your own original work for two different assignments. There is a difference between submitting the same paper twice and building upon your own research and adding to an old paper. Check with your instructor or advisor if you have any questions or doubts about this. Copying too much text and using it as a block quote. Let’s face it. Sometimes stude nts try to pull the wool over their instructors’ eyes. Instructors are not dummies, and they see this one all the time. They don’t fall for it. There is a limit to the amount of text you should put into a block quote. Rewording a source or several sources. Sometimes student will submit a research paper with correct citations, but the paper is really a reworded version of one source or several sources pieced together. The paper you write should contain your own original ideas, theories, and conclusions.  You must draw conclusions from the evidence you find in other work. While â€Å"I didn’t know it was wrong†is the most common excuse, there are others that instructors hear often. Be warned that excuses don’t get you off the hook! 2. I didn’t mean to. Everyone knows that it is tedious work, putting in all those precise citations. One common problem that instructors see is the omission of a citation. If you use a quote from a source and you don’t indicate that it’s a quote and cite your source, you have committed a theft! Be very careful to proofread and make sure you’ve indicated every quote with quotation marks and cited the source. 3. I didn’t know how to do the assignment. Sometimes students receive unique assignments that are so different from previous tasks that they just don’t know how the completed task should look. It’s perfectly fine to look up examples when you are expected to do something new like write an annotated bibliography or create a poster presentation. But sometimes, students who procrastinate can wait too long to look up these examples, and they realize that they have waited too long to complete the work. When that happens, they may be tempted to borrow from those examples. The solution? Don’t procrastinate! That also leads to trouble. 4. I was just helping a friend. You know perfectly well that you’re guilty of plagiarism if you use work that wasn’t written by you. But did you realize that you are also guilty if you write a piece for another student to use? You are both guilty! It’s still plagiarism, on both sides of this coin. 5. It was my first time. Really? That might have worked when you were five, but it won’t work on instructors when it comes to stealing. Many students are expelled after the first time committing plagiarism. 6. I was in a rush. Politicians and journalists who have quick deadlines for speeches and reports have tried this one, and it is unfortunate that such high-profile personalities have to be such awful role models. Again, this excuse for stealing the work of another is not going to get you anywhere. You are not likely to gain sympathy because you didn’t give yourself enough time to finish an assignment! Learn to use a color-coded calendar to you have plenty of warning time when an assignment is due.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart The Age Of Enlightenment
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Wolfgang’s life was profoundly impacted by the history of his time, it allowed him to compose, play and direct music and eventually live freely, ultimately setting the stage for him to create some of the best music pieces to date. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart lived during a period of great change in philosophy, art, religion and music. This change was brought about by the transition from the baroque period where the Catholic Church encouraged the arts to depict religious themes and the aristocracy ruled over the artists. The populace had very little power or recognition. The beginning of eighteenth century brought about the Pre-classical era and a need for freedom from the restrictions of the nobility. The age of Enlightenment came into force questioning the Catholic Church’s doctrine and the authorities. It was the age of reason where secular thought predominated over religious belief. French philosophes and the Enlightenment dominated the cultural life of Europe. (Damerow par 1) This Pre-classical era was influenced by the Rococo style that was characterized by delicate colors, intimate mood, homophonic and melodic music. The Rococo era influenced all painting, sculpture, architecture and music. â€Å"It was an age of powdered wigs delicate lace cuffs and perfumed handkerchiefs†. (Vernon 4) By the middle of the eighteenth century the influence of Rome and Greece led to the Classical Period. This period reflects the changes in society. MusiciansShow MoreRelated Mozart Essay examples2056 Words  | 9 Pagesreligious music also appeared during this time†(Ferris, 231). One of the best composer of this time was Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. In this paper I will go through his childhood, his friends and family, and of course his music. Enjoy!!! Child of the Enlightenment The world that Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart entered ceremoniously in 1756 was brimming in change. Historians refer to this era as the Age of Enlightenment, one of unparalleled scientific, philosophical, and political ferment. Within Mozart’s lifetime itRead MoreWolfgang Amadeus Mozart s Overture945 Words  | 4 PagesWolfgang Amadeus Mozart’s overture to The Marriage of Figaro brings together all the components and styles of the classical period. With it being an overture, it sets the mood a nd allows people to get ready for the opera they are about to watch. Mozart was one of the greatest composers to ever resonate from the classical period and his music is still studied and played worldwide today. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was born in 1756 in Salzburg. (Kem) Recognized for his works at an extremely young ageRead MoreThe Age Of The Enlightenment1646 Words  | 7 PagesThe Age of the Enlightenment during the beginning of the 18th century was a revolution that vanquished the suffocating darkness of superstition that shrouded the Middle Ages. Revolutionary thinkers of the Enlightenment, such as Denis Diderot, Renà © Descartes, John Locke, and Jean-Jacques Rousseau, led western civilization out of the darkness of ignorance with a small flame generated by the power of scientific and intellectual reason. For a while, it seemed as though the reason and rationality of EnlightenmentRead MoreDon Giovanni Analysis886 Words  | 4 PagesDang Professor Heywood MUSC 131 29 October 2017 W.A. Mozart - Don Giovanni Mozart’s Don Giovanni is an operatic masterpiece that is full of classical and legendary tension that still exists today. The music conveys and describes important principles of human personality and character (Ford 9). Don Giovanni is one of the best pieces by Mozart, and it is still a masterpiece in the lyric theater. It was composed in 1787 by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Don Giovanni was produced during the classical period;Read MoreAnalysis Of The Big Lebowski 892 Words  | 4 PagesThroughout history and to present day, the work of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart has been an inspiration and a revelation to mankind. Specifically his piece, Requiem (1791), is incorporated into numerous movies and television shows. In a scene from the famous movie, The Big Lebowski (1998), an excerpt of that piece is playing intentionally in the background. The use of this composition in this specific scene portrays the intended dramatic emotional affect that the viewer should encounter. At the beginningRead MoreWolfgang Amadeus Mozart : A Prominent Musical Genius2155 Words  | 9 PagesWolfgang Amadeus Mozart: A Prominent Musical Genius Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was an Austrian composer of the classical period. He was born in 1756. In 1782, he married Constanze Weber and had six childrenâ€â€four of which passed away when they were infants (Grout, 540). One of their two other sons that lived followed his legacy of becoming a composer (Grout, 540). Mozart’s father was both a composer and a violinist, who began training him and his sister Nannerl musically at a very young age and tookRead MoreAmadeus : An Enlightening Approach Essay2767 Words  | 12 PagesJaved Hira Professor Prasanta Chakraborty English M.A (final) 4th Sem. April 13, 2014 Amadeus: An Enlightening Approach Abstract: Forman’s tormented, iconoclastic subjects are often pitted against iconic or impersonal antagonists, but Amadeus conflict remains rivetingly intimate, inspite of its sumptuous, larger –than life settings Tasha Robinson, AV club.(line 1) The â€Å"Man†, The â€Å"Muse†, The†Madness†,†The†Murder†(?), The â€Å"Motion Picture†---.So goes the tagline.... but we can add some more....theRead MoreThe Classical Period Of Music864 Words  | 4 Pagesto name a few. All of these things had a great influence in the way the music made the transition from the Baroque period to the Classical period. Some of the great composers during this time were Franz Josef Haydn, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, and Ludwig van Beethoven. Haydn and Mozart were both Austrian, while Beethoven was German. They all contributed different things that allowed for the Classical period to develop the way it did. Haydn was the pioneer in chamber music. Mainly in the piano trio,Read More enlightenment revolution Essay709 Words  | 3 Pagesnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Reasoning Revolution nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;The age of enlightenment took place in the 18th century and was thought by many of the period to be long overdue. Spurred by writers wishing to â€Å"awaken†the public from their stupor, it was an age of change. Enlightenment writers tackled subjects from inconsistencies in religion to the oppression of women in society. Utilized during the time were many aspects ofRead More The Lasting Musical Impact of Ludwig Van Beethoven and Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart2527 Words  | 11 Pages Many people compare the musical works of Ludwig Van Beethoven and Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart because of the styles of music that they produced. They were also similar because of their age and the music period in which they created in. Throughout their lives these two composers had vastly different customs and behaviors. Each composer contributed to their own unique styles of music, however they continue to be a musical inspiration in today’s world. Many people of the early classical music period
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Turkey Vultures Essay Example For Students
Turkey Vultures Essay Turkey VulturesVultures are large birds of prey closely related to hawks and eagles. They are divided into New World vultures and Old World vultures, both belongingto the order Falconiformes. The New World vultures, in the family Cathartidae,consist of seven species in five genera. Among the New World vultures includethe Cathartes aura, also known as the Turkey Vulture. Scientists say that turkey vultures are shy, inoffensive birds. Someresearchers have discovered that the bird is very helpful to the environment. Its habit of cleaning up decaying and diseased carcasses makes it a sanitaryengineer par excellence, while its keen sense of smell has been pressed intoservice to find wasteful and dangerous gas leaks. And the vultures uniqueknack for conserving energy has intrigued scientists for years. Although the turkey vulture has a large, turkeylike body and sporty redhead, it is not even distantly related to the turkey. Instead, turkey vultures-along with their cousins in the United States, the black vulture of the Southand East, and the nearly extinct California condor-belong to a group of raptorscalled New World vultures. Chromosome analysis shows that the New Worldvultures are actually more closely related to storks than to the vultures ofEurope, Asia, and Africa. Turkey vultures are remarkably successful birds. They range everywherefrom parts of Canada and much of the United States to South America. At home indeserts, prairies and woodlands, they have even settled close to people in anumber of urban and suburban areas. Observed in flight, the turkey vulture appears black with the undersideof its wings grayish or silvery, giving the birds a two-toned appearance. Theycharacteristically hold their wings in a slight V, or dihedral, thus aidingidentification. On rare occasions, they hold their wings flat and eagle-likewhich, if seen at a great distance, may cause the birds to resemble eagles. Inflight, the turkey vulture holds its naked head, crimson-red as adults andgrayish-black as immatures, downward in contrast to eagles, which hold theirheads forward. The tail of the turkey vulture extends far beyond the rear edge of itswings. They typically rock or tilt from side to side while gliding or soaringon updrafts or circling overhead. Their occasional wingbeats are powerful andlabored. Turkey vultures are large birds with wingspreads of about six feet. Their wings are long, moderatly wide, and have strongly slotted tips. Typically,the wings are held slightly above a horizontal plane when the bird is aloft. This forms a characteristic dihedral which is very useful in making correctfield identification. Although turkey vultures use thermals, they are moredependant upon updrafts when migrating along mountains. The birds use the aircurrents skillfully and seldom exert much energy by flapping their wings. Much of the credit for the birds success, scientists say, belongs toits efficient use of energy. Turkey vultures are marvels of energy conservation. It seems a turkey vultures whole life is spent trying to conserve every littlecalorie it gets. If theres some small way it can save burning its own body fatand tissue, it will. Like an energy-conscious homeowner, a vulture turns downits thermostat at night. During the night, a turkey vultures body temperaturedrops a few degrees. The result is a savings in the vultures energy bank. Towarm up again in the morning without burning much fuel, the prehistoric-lookingbird spreads its wings and soaks up all the sun it can. Another trick performed by the turkey vulture is a behavior calledurohidrosis. Like all birds, the turkey vulture has no sweat glands. To coolitself during hot spells, it frequently defecates on its own legs. The slurryof white uric acid in the feces contains mositure that cools by evaporating. The behavior, shared by other vultures and storks, is more efficient thatsweating since it requires no boost in metabolism. The turkey vultures most basic ploy for saving energy is simply stayingput. If the weather is bad for flying, they can and will sit at their roost fordays. Since their metabolism is low compared to many other birds, fasting seemsto bother them little, if at all. This ability to go without food comes inhandy for another reason. The animals food supply is extremely unpredictable. They dont know where their next meal is coming from. The birds are well-equipped to get that next meal though. Compared withthe heavier, chunkier black vultures, turkey vultures have light bodies and long,broad wings which provide excellent lift. They dont use or lose a lot ofenergy landing and taking off, so theyre able to exploit small food itemsefficiently. As a result, youll often see a turkey vulture at a road-killedmouse, something the black vulture wouldnt consider doing. The Construction Quality Assessment System Construction EssayScientists say that turkey vultures are shy, inoffensive birds. Someresearchers have discovered that the bird is very helpful to the environment. Its habit of cleaning up decaying and diseased carcasses makes it a sanitaryengineer par excellence, while its keen sense of smell has been pressed intoservice to find wasteful and dangerous gas leaks. And the vultures uniqueknack for conserving energy has intrigued scientists for years. Although the turkey vulture has a large, turkeylike body and sporty redhead, it is not even distantly related to the turkey. Instead, turkey vultures--along with their cousins in the United States, the black vulture of the Southand East, and the nearly extinct California condor-belong to a group of raptorscalled New World vultures. Chromosome analysis shows that the New Worldvultures are actually more closely related to storks than to the vultures ofEurope, Asia, and Africa. Turkey vultures are remarkably successful birds. They range everywherefrom parts of Canada and much of the United States to South America. At home indeserts, prairies and woodlands, they have even settled close to people in anumber of urban and suburban areas. Observed in flight, the turkey vulture appears black with the undersideof its wings grayish or silvery, giving the birds a two-toned appearance. Theycharacteristically hold their wings in a slight V, or dihedral, thus aidingidentification. On rare occasions, they hold their wings flat and eagle-likewhich, if seen at a great distance, may cause the birds to resemble eagles. Inflight, the turkey vulture holds its naked head, crimson-red as adults andgrayish-black as immatures, downward in contrast to eagles, which hold theirheads forward. The tail of the turkey vulture extends far beyond the rear edge of itswings. They typically rock or tilt from side to side while gliding or soaringon updrafts or circling overhead. Their occasional wingbeats are powerful andlabored. Turkey vultures are large birds with wingspreads of about six feet. Their wings are long, moderatly wide, and have strongly slotted tips. Typically,the wings are held slightly above a horizontal plane when the bird is aloft. This forms a characteristic dihedral which is very useful in making correctfield identification. Although turkey vultures use thermals, they are moredependant upon updrafts when migrating along mountains. The birds use the aircurrents skillfully and seldom exert much energy by flapping their wings. Much of the credit for the birds success, scientists say, belongs toits efficient use of energy. Turkey vultures are marvels of energy conservation. It seems a turkey vultures whole life is spent trying to conserve every littlecalorie it gets. If theres some small way it can save burning its own body fatand tissue, it will. Like an energy-conscious homeowner, a vulture turns downits thermostat at night.ful of foods, turkey vultures have evolved intoveritable detoxification plants. Not only can they eat food so rotten that itcould kill most other creatures, they benefit people and the environment bypreventing the spread of diseases. Among these is botulism, a deadly sicknesscaused by a bacterial poison that attacks nerve-muscle junctions and leads todeath by suffocation. Biologists have found that turkey vultures have bothbotulism-resistant nervous systems and heavy duty immune systems that ward offthe bacterial toxin. In one experiment, a scientist injected one turkey vulturewith a dose of botulinus toxin lethal enough to kill 300,000 guinea pigs. Thebird never showed a moments illness. But while turkey vultures are formidable foes of bacteria, they are shy,cautious and docile when confronted by virtually any creature larger than amicrobe. This shyness is often carried to an extreme. When the birds aretrapped and handled, they are totally docile. Being submissive is only one waya turkey vulture acts when stressed. When frightened, they tend to regurgitate. Whether the act is intentional or not, it provides the dual benefit oflightening the load for a quick getaway and repelling any would-be antagonistwith the stomach contents foul odor. The turkey vultures foul and sinister reputation, however, finallyseems to be changing. In fact, the infamous scavengers are actually findingthemselves appreciated by some people. Each year, for example, thousands ofpeople jam the town of Hinckley, Ohio, on one Sunday in March. The occasion iscalled Buzzard Day. This is the day that the vultures are scheduled to drift infrom their southern wintering grounds. People from all over the area gather towatch their beloved birds reappear.
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